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Bojangles, our first advocacy pup. He came into rescue at six months old. Bo was returned six months later through no fault of his own - his family dynamics changed and he was let go. Bo was fearful of the world, a trait he learned from his owner. He was then placed and replaced four times within a very short period of time, like eight weeks. When Bo was surrendered the last time, he was transferred to the county animal shelter where he faced the possibility of death. He ended up on death row for biting out of fear when his owner grabbed him for not following orders. As soon as our trainer found out, she contacted the shelter letting them know she had worked with Bo and would take him after his quarantine, and to please not put him to sleep, that his actions due to people mishandling him. Thankfully 12 days later he was released to A3P!

There is a difference between a fearful and an aggressive dog. A fear dog can learn to trust and live a happy life but adopters/owners must understand this behavior and be willing to take the time and make the effort to see these deserving pets blossom.

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